Thursday, November 1, 2007

Garage Games Torque X

The independent game maker and technology provider GarageGames has added Torque X to their existing suite of Torque game engines. GarageGames has already migrated key portions of their 2D and 3D game development technologies to the XNA platform, making it easier to design and build a full-featured game in managed C# and the XNA Framework.

I downloaded the engine and did a couple of tutorials, unfortunately its a 2D engine and not much use to my project. However it was very easy to use and seemed like a great engine for making 2D games. I'll look for to use a Torque X 3D engine if one is released in the near future.

The first tutorial I did was a game called blaster. It was a simple clone of Space Invaders.

The next tutorial was a game called microbes. It was a simple implemtation of AI with simple animation. The game play was simple and the player moved the GarageGames logo around the screen to herd the microbes.

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