Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Supervisor Meeting 01 - Week 03

In the meeting today with my supervisor we discussed;

  1. Physics engines and there potential use in the project, if in fact one is even needed
  2. Game engines, AI and how they could replicate realistic physics for the game
  3. Game Mechanics
  4. Game's look and feel
  5. Viewed other games, "Spore", to see its approach game mechanics, look and feel
  6. 3D vs. 2D for project game mechanics
  7. 2D styled game in 3D environment, looking down perspective, see "Spore"
Aims (1-2 week):

  • Set up this Blog
  • Set up a Project hosting site with Source Repository on Google Project Hosting here
  • Read Ernest Adam's book of good game design
  • Use a Methodology for same book
  • Write Game Concept Doc
  • Write Game Design Doc
  • Upload Game Concept Doc to the Serious Games Wiki-site
  • Create UML Diagrams
    • Class Diagrams
    • Entity Diagrams
Aims (2+ weeks):

  • Select and Use a open source XNA game engine to create a 3D world
  • code a scene graph to maintain the 3D world
  • code game rules, loader and entities

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